We are happy to present our 3rd ebook on discourse learning, on the didactics of qomenius, and about how to reunite individual learning and organizational development.
qomenius founders Silke Hermann and Niels Pflaeging once again produced this ebook, together. The two take us back a few years, to 2016, to tell the story of how the qomenius approach and methodology came about. In this paper, Silke and Niels also outline a few key concepts of discourse learning, such as invitation, the use of practical theory, and joint reflective discussion.
This ebook has a total of 8 pages. You will find it to be compact and easy-to-read, and offering a great deal of practical input for anyone interested in organizational L&D, leadership, change and transformation, and coherent self-organization.
As with all our ebooks, access is free of charge and requires no registration. Download the full ebook here: